Monday, May 02, 2005

Anyone can be a poet

Anyone can be a poet
Anyone can make lines rhyme
Give them a meter, they can do that too.
What is a poem anyway?
A half formed thought
A picture taken with a narrow, blurry lens
Anyone can get an idea,
Slap words down on paper,
And get a peom
Poems dont' need plots
Or characters
Or a climax
Or resolution
To satisfy its readers
It doesn't even need to make sense
And people will read it,
And nod,
and ponder its concepts.
Anyone can be a poet
Give a computer rules and a vocabulary
Anything can be a poet too
"But" they cry "a computer
Doesn't have the heart of
Whitman or Shakespeare or cummings"
Yeah, well, those men just tried something different
To set their poems apart from everyone else's
Experiment, push the rules,
Maybe you'll find something new
And your poems too can be popular.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great. Me like. Funny. Pretty true too. (The last line stinks.)