Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Mother of Your children

Look at me.
See me as the mother of your children.
My thick thighs and astounding ass will ensure I have the energy to give you child after child.
My wide hips promise each one will emerge uncomplicated, from between my legs.
My belly has plenty of space to cradle them carefully.
My breasts are large and will not leave our children hungry.
My arms are strong, able to carry them.
My hands are small and nimble sliver pullers, hair braiders, button sewers, and tear wipers.
My hair is long and thick, keeping them warm in my embraces.
My neck is long, a head niche that fits them as they grow.
My shoulders are wide for piggy back rides.
My lips are full for mother kisses.
My ears are small and acute, hearing the smallest whimper and snicker.
My eyes are large and clear, seeing all.

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