Sunday, September 03, 2006


As I watch the sun sink beneath the horizon, a smile comes to my face as I wonder,
"are you watching this same sunset?"
My smile fades, to be replaced by a look of thoughtfulness.
Actually, you couldn't be looking at this sunset.
You're in a different time zone.
Right now, the sky is dark, but not dark enough for stars.
You wouldn't be looking at this sky.
Well, maybe a few hours ago, you were watching the sunset.
But, I would have been inside, working, and not even thinking about going outside.
This isn't romantic at all.


Anonymous said...

Oh.....but it is the same sun atleast. Or else you'd be looking at two completely different suns at the same time. The sun is more of a messanger between lovers. It gathers their thoughts and carries them one to the other with the message of 'don't forget' and they see the setting sun and remember.

Lil' Sparrow said...

I don't know. The sunset is more about the beauty of the sky than the fact that the sun is going down. And it is highly unlikely the atmosphere would be identical so far away, so we would be watching two different skies.