Thursday, August 04, 2005

Poetry is hard.

Poetry is hard. And it's intimidating.
"It's only short short stories."
"It doesn't have to rhyme."
I know I talk too much.
I don't SHOW you anything.
I just explain.
Is that still a poem?
Once I tried to rhyme, and I think there was even some meter in it too.
It was hard to start, but after a bit, I let myself go and it rhymed on its own, and the thoughts ran together and didn't wait for the next line to finish itself...
But then, after my stanza of freedom,
My fears and self control took over again.
I analyzed it over and over,
Was it good?
What other words should I have used?
I couldn't think of anything.
Now I try to SHOW.
But, do I have to?
Can I tell you a short short story
And let you like it?
Or do I have to rhyme a picture for you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call that a poem. Personally. But I like it! So, who cares if it readily fits into a catagory?