Thursday, August 04, 2005


Restlessness is in my blood
A discontent for mediocrity
And settling for what's easy.
My European ancestors
Left their families and their homes
Their jobs and their lives
To start over in a place
Where they have the chance
To achieve more than what they had.
Where they also had the danger
Of receiving less than what they had left
they left their hereditary status
And risked that assurance
On the dream of becoming greater.
But that wasn't enough
Their children inherited that desire
For something new and maybe better.
They left their families and their homes
Their cities and their lives
And went west.
Now, in every generation
Is born a child who dreams of something else.
While the others stay and live together
As a community
As a family
There is that one who looks west
And hungers for what is beyond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
