Monday, November 28, 2005

Fat Lady

I feel like a fat lady in a china shop when I'm driving. I should be more confident and all that by now, but it's hard to just drive when I'm hanging out in front and sticking out behind, and I still don't know how wide I am. I drive a Blazer, and it's harder to maneuver a big girl like that than a little normal car. I'm getting better at parking, I'm between the lines, but I still park in the back of a full parking lot rather than try to squeeze between two cars. I tend to go too close on my side, and I can't see the little guy on my right, so I don't know if I'm totally scraping up against him or if he can get into his car, so I just don't deal with it and park in the back. Well, the middle, I haven't had to go to the back yet. But Christmas is coming up, so I wouldn't be surprised if I did. I still don't know how to change the hubby things into four wheel drive. I keep meaning to ask Dad how when I visit, but I always forget in the "when was the last time you changed your oil?" conversations. I still haven't checked my coolant level in a while. Oi. But at least it's warmer now. Found out this weekend that my vent was open. That explains why my feet have been frigid even after driving for an hour. Now it gets real warm in ten minutes. Mmm baby. Baby... That's what I call my car. Baby. I want to give her a real name though. I'll still call her Baby, but she deserves the dignity of a name. I'm between finding out the name of the Fat Lady in the Picture and Madame Maxime's first name from Harry Potter. Still don't know either of their names, but I think I'm leaning toward Maxime's. She's big, and she's not afraid to rough it, yet she's sophisticated. I think that fits my car. Gimme a sec. Olympe. Hm. Maybe just call her Maxime. I don't know. What do you guys think?


Unknown said...

A Blazer is a big car to drive. Considerably understanding why it is hard to maneuver it. I never gave my car a name either, LOL, I call it baby also. But it’s just a Jetta, so that’s not saying much. You should call it whatever you feel. Because in the end, only you know what the name of your car is, and no one else. I don't know kind of a weird thing about cars.

Anonymous said...

I like them. :) Maxime sounds good. You could always just call it "Fat Lady" though that doesn't sound all that sophisticated. heh. And I can understand parking at the back of parking lots and all that! And my car wasn't that big. Driving: Eeeeek! - Gypsie