Friday, October 28, 2005


It assaults the tongue
And dry humps it
Until the offended member
Is forced out of the mouth

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What's up today

You know, some people use their blogs to comment on life. Hm. Never occured to me, except for the Journal entries. Let's try it, and see if anyone cares.

I wonder if I'm getting more attention today because I'm wearing my padded pushup bra. I have a suspicion that I get slightly more male attention when I wear this, but I haven't been paying attention enough on days I do to know if that's what it is, or if it's just a weird day. More strange guys have said hi, and familiar guys have been seen more often.

Does it make that much difference? I didn't think that a 1/4 inch of padding and a little elevation is easily discernable. But then I don't know how often guys analyze a girl's rack for that miniscule difference.

What else is up? Got a crush on a guy. Going to be a Jedi for Halloween with my friend. Still have to finish sewing her cloak, and fix the hem on mine. What's funny is that she and I collaborated, and discovered that there's going to be a Leia, a Luke, and a Vader on campus too, but they weren't doing it together. We're the whole package and largely on accident. The other Jedi wants me to sit in a class with her on Halloween for effect for a teacher.

Anyway, I'll let you know if I find anything conclusive on the effects of my bra.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


It begins with a seed
It appears in your hand
Startled, some are dropt
And lost among the filth
Others are guarded
And carefully nurtured
Wringing out the brain
Squeezing a few drops
To water our gift
The bud appears
Coaxed open with a pen
Painted with ink
With beautiful paper leaves

Friday, October 21, 2005

Wow, so excited!

So, I play cello in my college orchestra. The class is called "orchestra," though really, if you were going to describe us, we'd be an unbalanced quartet.

For those of you who aren't music experts, "orchestra" is the whole huge musical group, sometimes including band, but usually only talking about the stringed instruments. "Quartet" are two violins, a viola, and a cello. Everyone knows what a violin is, a viola is slightly larger and deeper sounding, a cello is sat with it between the player's legs, and the bass is the huge one that they need to stand to play. Our group is two violinists, a viola/violinist/teacher, a viola, two cellos, and a bass. We bigger, lower instruments have a tendency to overpower the smaller, higher instruments, thus making us unbalanced and very careful regarding dynamics ("loudness factors," to you laymen).

Anyway, our group has been really small lately, but just this year we were invited to perform in band/choir thingys, and tomorrow we're going to be the music for the bass player's friend's wedding. *excited* And we sound good. The bride wants "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desires" for the procession, "Pachobell's Canon in D" for her entrance, and "Pink Panther theme" for the recession. That's fun. And we'll be there tomorrow and we'll be sitting up there on the platform while she's getting married, and we have beyond front row seats, and we get to see their faces during the ceremony while no one else does, and the bass player will be crying, and it'll be so cool. Okay, well, just wanted to share that. Good night!

What is the grass?

What is the grass? She asked a top the table
Bracing for ridicule, heart pounding
From the nerve it took to climb.
Our eyes widen for a moment
Then return to our desks,
Content to ignore this bold one who stands in our periphery.
We allow her a moment of rebellion,
Sure that she will climb down, ineffective,
And continue life sitting.